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  • 行事公义,爱怜悯,存谦卑的心. 黛娜·信使的肖像 And why she was selected as the 2021 Humanitarian of the Year

行事公义,爱怜悯,存谦卑的心. 黛娜·信使的肖像 And why she was selected as the 2021 Humanitarian of the Year

经许可转载 坎伯兰时报十大老品牌网赌信誉平台 阿勒格尼杂志
By CAROLYN WIEBRECHT BOND Special Contributor, 阿勒格尼杂志

行事公义,爱怜悯,存谦卑的心. 黛娜·信使的肖像
And why she was selected as the 2021 Humanitarian of the Year


她本身就是一个开拓者, 黛娜运输 has spent her life making inroads to a better tomorrow by looking back at history.

她一生的工作获得了无数奖项, Dinah was recently named the 2021 Humanitarian of the Year by the Community Trust Foundation (CTF). An educator, historian, author, and community organizer, the esteemed Mrs. Courrier’s  exemplary accomplishments define her as a philanthropic leader who is intent on growing a stronger and more vibrant community. 哦,但是不要相信我的话. 

“Dinah’s personal and professional accomplishments are consistent with the goals of CTF,马里昂·伦纳德说。, CTF董事会主席.  “Her community activism is compassionate toward society’s on-going reach for social justice and equality.  Few people demonstrate such a fervent love for history and for community as she does.”

50多年了, this dynamo has spearheaded numerous projects to elevate and preserve the history of her beloved Mineral County for future generations. 不仅仅是为了展示文物.  But to highlight for posterity how forward-thinking and equitable the ancestors of West Virginia’s eastern panhandle actually leaned.

成立于1866年, Mineral County splintered from a larger district in the aftermath of the Civil War, mainly due to its alignment with the North’s pro-Union stance.  Proud that her roots entwine with those who wished to abolish slavery, Courrier pursued many opportunities throughout her career to promote racial equality in education.

Teaching at 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 for 22 years, she served another decade as an administrator.  虽然, she established a council to examine issues of social justice and to provide programs focusing on diversity, 哪些是向社会开放的.

一个项目, 特别是, examined the experience of the first black students integrated into the institution in 1954.

 除了, she coordinated a presentation by a Holocaust survivor and created an annual week-long diversity celebration featuring various cultures. Her endeavors helped to establish a dialogue between inner-city students and rural students. 

“Dinah’s long list of awards could read like a rote enumeration of professional credentials, were it not for the way each accolade reflects her core values,利亚·谢弗说, 清洁技术基金董事. “特别, 她对人类的爱, 回馈她称之为家的地方, 谦卑地为他人服务.”

Named a West Virginia Hero by the state’s Division of Arts and Culture in 2017, Courrier has authored and edited several books on local history and 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台.  She also co-produced a video about Mineral County which aired on West Virginia public television. 除了, she wrote three grants for the preservation of the Carskadon Mansion, 被列入国家史迹名录.

2016年,她的国家将迎来一百周年庆典, she prepared the event’s program and also edited and researched the historical society’s publication on Mineral County schools.

“I owe a huge debt of gratitude to three wonderful teachers of West Virginia history who instilled in me a love for local and state history and the importance of preserving our heritage for future generations,她说。. 

A lifetime member of the Mineral County historical society, 黛娜捐赠了地方来建造矿物县博物馆, 以及协调展品, 写资助, 对捐赠物品进行研究和索引, 必须在2019年启用该设施.  

“这是一项正在进行的工作,”她指出.  “We continue to seek and accept new items to enhance the collection and tell our story in more depth and detail.”

Courrier created Mineral County’s “Food for Thought” program in 2009 to provide nutrition for children on days there is no school.  Over a decade later, the program serves approximately 400 students each week.

One of the first women in her region to become active in Rotary International, Courrier has served all its major offices of the Keyser club.  A member of Trinity Lutheran Church, she and her husband, Dr. James Courrier,有4个孩子和12个孙子.

本质上, Dinah has always believed that while she cannot save the world, 她可以省下一部分.  Doing her part to preserve the rich and varied history of her beloved Mineral County gives her life meaning in a corner of the world described as “almost heaven” in the iconic John Denver song. 

大力倡导所有人的权利, Dinah believes the only right we have is the right to be useful.  Taking inspiration from the Biblical verse found in Micah 6:8, 她的人生座右铭是公正行事, 爱仁慈, 谦卑地行走.

Dinah Courier with a group of colleagues in front of a Mineral County Historical Museum sign

黛娜运输 will receive the Community Trust Foundation Humanitatian of the Year Award during a ceremony by the foundation schedule for Thursday, 9月9日.  For more information on the Community Trust Foundation and its endeavors in alleany, Garrett, and Mineral Counties,电子邮件 ctf@ctfinc.org,致电301-876-9172,或访问 www.ctfinc.org.